Page name: About wiki-ratings [Exported view] [RSS]
Version number: 1
2006-06-21 06:38:17
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About wiki-ratings

Wiki-pages can be ranked by the crew-members. Rating 1 means that it's a good wiki-page that should have extra attention. Rating 99 means that it's very good and unique page. But even higher ratings might appear. The wiki-page has to be exported and free for everyone to read (Other pages are considered "private")!

Ratings are given in 4 classes and the 100 highest rated pages in each class are listed. A page will normally only have one kind of rating, but sometimes it's rated in more classes(examples: A page about drawing with very beautiful example-images or a funny information page). The classes are:

Informative A wiki-page will get a high informative rating if it teaches something well. It doesn't have to be something serious, but the page should be serious about explaining it.

Artistic An artistic page contains wonderful images, great stories and/or beautiful poetry.

Funny A funny page is something people laugh at.

Friendly All wiki-pages are of course friendly and they don't yell at you, but friendly-rated wiki-pages are pages that are constructed for social reasons. It can be chat-pages, pages to honour something/someone, a page that is used for some kind of project, a list of members that want something and so on. It's basically a good wiki-page that doesn't fit into the other classes.

Pages that are index-pages for pages with different content will never be rated. For example: The tutorials that one person has made, a list of the best wiki-pages and so on.

Pages that are index-pages for a particular subject might be rated instead of their subpages, but sometimes both index and subpages will be rated. For example: If there is a drawing-page that links to all the best drawing-pages, then that is the best page about "drawing" and will therefore be rated, but also all its good subpages about different kinds of drawing. On the other hand the page "how to draw ducks" with 7 chapters will be rated instead of its subpages, as the subpages aren't that interesting alone.

To get a page rated, it should have a good name that describes its content well (Less important, but still important for friendly-rated pages). "how to draw ducks" is a good name, "qwacky drawing" isn't (even though it's fun, but you can write that as a comment on the page instead). This also applies to funny pages! So call the page "Blond jokes" if that's what it's about.

Official pages about the site and how to use it are generally not rated. Those pages get attention in other ways.

Criteria for rating

Firstly there has to be good content on the page, but that's not enough. The page also has to be unique or best in some way. If there already is a much better Wikipedia-page about this subject, then your page will not be rated even if it's quite good. To get it rated, it has to have some unique feature like being shorter, having more or better links or something like that.

And to impress the ones that rate the page, it's always good to have images, links to more information and tables. The images should be uploaded to this site if possible.



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